The pumpkin is a wonderful vegetable with a very nice flavor that is great to prepare a good variety of recipes with exquisite flavors. You can prepare it in juices, salads, desserts, soups and purees. It has some magical properties, very powerful since it is a magnificent antioxidant to fight the free radicals that are the cause of so many diseases. It contains a high level of fiber, is diuretic and also for people suffering from chronic gastritis, pumpkins help to soften the acidity, relieve irritation and remove stomach pain allowing easier digestion. This is due to its high content of vitamin A, B, C and minerals such as: cobalt, magnesium, boron, zinc, calcium, iron and potassium. It helps regulate blood sugar so it is ideal in a diabetic’s diet. One of the most powerful foods in our motherland which offers health benefits.
There is a great variety of pumpkins, I mean more than 850 varieties and with different names according to the region of the world. We can find its varieties like halloween pumpkin, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, Kabocha squash (Japanese species), and etc. Some are in the summer and others in the winter, but all are delicious with a great value. I want to share a deli recipe, free of carbohidrates, paleo diet and very healthy to enjoy with family during holidays. Choose your favorite one!